"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"

Mahatma Gandhi

Advice on buying a puppy

Thinking of getting a puppy? Make sure you know where your puppy comes from.

Buying a puppy is not as simple as you may think. Sadly, not all puppy breeders and sellers are reputable.

There is a dark side to the trade - puppy trafficking. This is where puppies are bred in large numbers for profit, often with little regard for animal welfare. Many puppies fall sick, and some die.

Backyard breeder in Victoria

68 Dogs were surrendered from a backyard breeder in central Victoria. This person kept 120 dogs in appalling conditions and has been twice refused a council permit. About 50 dogs remain on the property.

Rally at Parliament House - Melbourne

Rally at Parliament House - Melbourne - http://oscarslaw.org/act-now.php

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Designer Dogs

Designer dogs (hybrid), such as a springerdoodle, labradoodle are becoming quite popular.
Hybrid puppies are a cross between two breeds, and are claimed by pet shops to be protected from genetic diseases. They are just as likely to have the same problems that other puppies have who come from large-scale, high-volume breeding, especially since the demand is massive and puppy mills are responding by pumping out the hybrids as quickly as possible.

Puppy mills are horrid breeding facilities that produce purebred and mixed-breed or "hybrid" puppies in large numbers and sell them to pet stores, or directly to consumers through the internet or newspaper ads, disguised as reputable breeders. Factory breeding like this increases the chances of a puppy having genetic, physical and emotional problems which may not be apparent at first.

Click Here to see photos of designer dogs.

Bright Lights, Big Lies

Video embedded from the stop puppy mills website

Pets of Bel Air, a popular celebrity puppy emporium, has been exposed for operating without a license. The Humane Society of the United States lead the investigation and officially closed down the store for selling puppies from unlicensed puppy mills.

Read the article

Puppy mills